Thursday, June 24, 2010


Hello everyone!

So its been a while since my last "blog", but here i am.

Things in this crazy house havent changed much. We are all still living under the same roof, i am still sleeping on the couch and i am still job-less.

I have been getting involved with my church some more and it feels awesome.
I made a promise to Rob (a friend from NB) and i would stay single for a year. Right now i have made the choice that i need to focus on God and focus on my relationship with Him instead of a relationship with a guy.
So getting involved at the church and focusing on that is making me feel better!

I have been thinking about school and a missions trip and a whole bunch of other things. Today i was looking at going to Medeba for the LDP program... (check out the website for more info) i know 3 people who have done it and they loved it, so i'm not sure.
I have been thinking about going to Panama with GE ( on a missions trip.

Right now i have no idea where i am in my life. Its a very awkward stage. Its a stage of uncertainty. its wierd.

anyways, nothing extremely new and exciting to report! :)

-Mandie xo.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

God is awesome

Hey everyone,

Please have patience with me. I am new to the whole blog thing and i'm trying to figure out to rearrange things and connect links here and there and what not.
I will keep posting though!!

Ok, enough about my rant... on with my awesome day...

I spent the better part of my day with my nephew (Ethan).
Melissa and Jon had something they had to go to tonight, i was responsible for him from about 5:30-9 when they came home.
We played and laughed. He had easy mac for supper and after that we went for a walk to the corner store where he bought m&m, which he loves!
He splashed in the puddles the whole way there and back.

It wasnt until after his parents got home that it clicked in my head.
This child is a gift from God. This child is so special not only to his human father, but his Heavenly Father too. He is such a great kid and i think i can speak on behalf of my whole family when i say our lives would be totally different if he wasn't around. He is so special to our family and we are so lucky to have him.

It got me thinking about how lucky i am to have such a Father. When we walked to the store, he would ask if he could splash in each puddle. He laughed and laughed and laughed... Ethan got super wet, but he laughed and had such fun. Isn't that what kids are supposed to do?
Aren't kids supposed to have fun and be kids?
Its been hours and i'm still smiling thinking aboout it.
This kid has so much energy and life in him and just to know that its all from God makes my faith so much stronger. I love him. He is my nephew, a part of my big sister. (whom i also love lots!) He isn't even my son, but i am so lucky to be his auntie.

So it is June 16th. In just over 2 month baby sophie will be here. I already love being an auntie and i am so looking forward to being an auntie to a little girl. Words cannot describe how excited i am to meet her. Tomorrow i asked to go to my sisters ultrasound tomorrow morning.

Had a weird conversation with that boy mentioned in previous post. Things are weird between us still, but if this is for the best, then God knows what to do. If your the praying type, please pray.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

My first post


Out of all the things i could post first about, the only thing that on my mind right now is the little love of my life.

To make a long boring story short, i wasnt living at home for a while. I had moved to Hamilton with a guy i thought i would marry and spend the rest of my life with. Well, now after some serious God slaps, i know it was a wrong idea and it wasnt the best thing to do. We are no longer together and things are rough, but i know God will bring me through it.

So i moved back to my moms (Patty)... ok well my sisters(Melissa). Her and my brother-in-law (Jon) own the house and my mom and brother(Michael) live in the in-law suite in the basement. I don't have a room, i have no where to put my things, i'm pretty much living out of boxes and laundry baskets. I have no privacy and out of all that, there is no where else i'd rather be. My family is one of the most important things in my life and nothing will ever change that. They are nuts sometime and a total embarassment, but i still love them!

My parents divorced when i was really young, like 4 or 5. After many years of not having my dad in my life, he is now a huge part of my life. He and his wife, Trisha, and my step-sister (Tamara) live a shirt drive from my moms and its great to know that he is back in my life.

So now that some past details are out in the open, lets go back to talking about the
little love of my life.

My nephew Ethan was born almost 3 years ago (June 29th). We have my dad and grandma(Gayle), Aunt (Lori, but she will always be Tee-Tee) and step mom over. Ethan was putting on a show of course and i was in it.
He would run from the wall and slam himself into me. And the only think i can remember because i was in sheer bliss was him saying, "You love me auntie?"
I call him monkey, not sure why, but it came out one day and stuck forever.
He is sleeping right now and all i can think about is him.

Soon Baby Sophie Grace Catherine Raymond will be here. My sister is having another baby at the end of august. She is turning 25 at the begining too!
Looking forward to meeting my new neice!

ok, i hate reading other peoples blog and the post goes on forever, so i shall make another post with more things about my life later!

God is good.